When standardized methods are used for the preparation and analysis of zinc concentrations in plasma and serum, each laboratory instrument type provides similar mean results and similar accuracy and precision. Read more in IZiNCG’s technical brief no. 12 and in this new publication in Biological Trace Element Research.

Although the prevalence of low plasma or serum zinc concentration (PZC) is associated with the prevalence of inadequate zinc intake, numerous other physiological and methodological factors may also influence PZC. IZiNCG Technical Briefs no. 2 and 6, and IZiNCG Practical Tips documents provide guidance on these factors. However, the potential effects of other analytical issues, such as the type of laboratory instrument used, have not been systematically evaluated. 

Three instrument types are commonly used for PZC analysis: atomic absorbance spectrometers (AAS), inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectrometers (ICP-OES), and ICP mass spectrometers (ICP-MS).  IZiNCG designed a laboratory methods study to assess the accuracy and precision of these instruments for analyzing zinc concentrations in plasma and serum. Seven laboratories in four countries, including two low- to middle-income countries, using nine instruments (4 AAS, 1 ICP-OES, 4 ICP-MS), participated in the study.  All laboratories received a standard set of samples, materials and reagents, and reference methods for sample preparation and analysis. Read more here.

Updated: 31 August 2021